Metaverse – the way we define it

Our understanding of the Metaverse, or as we call it in the case of ProudZone, the Communivere, is a new way of using the internet to experience things virtually.

For us, the experience in the Metaverse does not depend on the device or interface type. But, the experience will differ depending on the type of device used. I.e. someone using a smartphone to access the ProudZone will be able to use it differently than a person using a virtual or augmented reality device.

In our vision, ProudZone as a communiverse does not replace the so-called real world. Rather, we see ourselves as a complement to daily life. We give people the opportunity to participate in community life and, in turn, give providers a wider audience. We see ourselves as an infrastructure company for the ultimate virtual world for the global LGBTQ+ community.